2025 MGLP Lake Conservation Webinars
We are excited to announce our 2025 Lake Conservation Webinars, which start next week! These free webinars address a diverse range of lake and fish habitat management issues such as…
Request for proposals: 2026 Lake Conservation Grant
We are seeking project proposals for funding from the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) 2026 Lake Conservation Grant. The MGLP is one of twenty partnerships that span the nation under…
New reporting details declines in shoreline health & strategies for conservation
From Minnesota’s agricultural South to the pine forests of its North, the state’s 10,000+ lakes are not unlike those throughout the 9-state region comprising Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP). A…
MGLP provides over $330,000 in grants to conserve fish habitat in lakes
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is awarding over $330,000 through its 2024 Lake Conservation Grant to six projects across the Upper Midwest. Together, these projects will benefit glacial lakes and…
Shoreline Living documents ready to make a splash in lakefront conservation
Now available HERE for distribution in print or electronic format Lakefront properties offer an opportunity to relax and enjoy recreation on the lake. Whether it’s taking a child fishing for…
2024 MGLP Lake Conservation Webinars
We are excited to announce our 2024 Lake Conservation Webinars. These free webinars address a diverse range of lake and fish habitat management issues from assessments of property lake health…
Request for proposals: 2025 Lake Conservation Grant
We are seeking project proposals for funding from the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) 2025 Lake Conservation Grant. The MGLP is one of twenty partnerships that span the nation under…
Two new Midwest publications available
A new (and free) resource called “Guide to native plants (a.k.a. Local Beings): 112 species that support clean water, wildlife habitat, and a happy soul” is now available on the…
Project update – Outreach for managing coldwater lake habitats
We’re excited to share some fun educational materials developed for children as part of an MGLP-funded a project! The project’s goal is to develop scientific assessments to prioritize local- and…
Lake Resilience and Systems Thinking Resource Hub
Lakes are always changing—development, new residents, and climate change are some of the causes. Lake organizations are on the front line of these changes, seeing the introduction of novel species,…
MGLP provides over $350,000 in grants to conserve fish habitat in lakes
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is awarding over $350,000 through its 2023 Lake Conservation Grant to five projects across the Upper Midwest. Together, these projects will benefit glacial lakes…
Spring 2023 MGLP Lake Conservation Webinars
The MGLP is excited to announce its Spring 2023 Lake Conservation Webinars. These free webinars address a diversity of lake and fish habitat management issues from carp to climate, from…
Lake Conservation Grant Request for Proposals
We request project proposals for funding from the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) 2024 Lake Conservation Grant. The MGLP is one of twenty partnerships that span the nation under the…
MGLP provides $324,238 in grants to conserve fish habitat in lakes
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is awarding $324,238 through its 2022 Lake Conservation Grant to five projects across the Upper Midwest. Together, these projects will benefit glacial lakes and…
NFHP/Bass Pro Shops US Open Grant Program Request for Proposals
The National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) recently announced a request for competitive grant applications to the new NFHP/Bass Pro Shops US Open National Bass Fishing Amateur Team Championships grants program….
Spring 2022 MGLP Lake Conservation Webinars
The MGLP is excited to announce its 2022 Lake Conservation Webinars. These free webinars address a diversity of lake and fish habitat management issues including starry stonewort, climate change adaptation,…
Request for proposals: 2023 Lake Conservation Grant
We request project proposals for funding from the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) 2023 Lake Conservation Grant. The MGLP is one of twenty partnerships that span the nation under the…
Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership expands its footprint
Established in 2009 with the mission to, “Work together to protect, rehabilitate and enhance sustainable fish habitats in glacial lakes of the Midwest for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations,” the MGLP has always focused on glacially formed lakes in the Midwest. The MGLP’s new footprint allows the partnership to better achieve this goal.
FREE Shoreline Living booklets to promote natural lake shorelines
Do you want to promote natural shorelines on your lake or in your area? Consider requesting copies of the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership’s (MGLP) Shoreline Living document to assist you in your…
MGLP seeking applications for 2022 Lake Conservation Grant
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is announcing its annual request for fish habitat conservation project proposals. With the passage of the America’s Conservation Act, which funds our Lake Conservation…
2021 MGLP Lake Conservation Webinars Announced
The MGLP is excited to announce its 2021 Lake Conservation Webinars. These free webinars address a diversity of lake and fish habitat management issues from wakeboats to watersheds, from Ogaa…
National Fish Habitat Partnership is codified through signature of America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (S. 3051)
Big news for the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership! On Friday, President Trump signed S. 3051, America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (ACE Act) into law at the White House. The ACE Act…
MGLP seeking applications for 2021 Lake Conservation Grant
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is announcing its annual request for fish habitat conservation project proposals. We support conservation projects that work toward meeting the goals and objectives set…
FishAmerica Foundation Request for Proposals
In addition to the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership’s Lake Conservation Grant, the partnership is promoting a grant opportunity from the FishAmerica Foundation. FishAmerica Foundation is once again soliciting projects from…
MGLP provides $245,000 in grants to conserve fish habitat in lakes
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is awarding over $245,000 through its Lake Conservation Grant to four projects across the Upper Midwest. Together, these projects will benefit glacial lakes, fish…
2020 – 2025 Strategic Plan released
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is releasing its Strategic Plan for the next five years. The plan reaffirms the MGLP’s mission to “Work together to protect, rehabilitate and enhance…
MGLP announces release of Shoreline Living booklet promoting natural lake shorelines
Lakefront properties offer relaxing views and a gateway to recreation. The lakefront can be where memories of catching your first bluegill and learning to swim are made. Lake shorelines are…
Lake Conservation Webinar Blitz
Want to learn more about cutting edge science, outreach, and conservation on inland lakes? The Lake Conservation Webinar series is hosting a blitz of webinars in the next two months…
MGLP Celebrates its 10th birthday
Born in 2009, the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) joined the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) “family” ready to take on an enormous challenge. The partnership was founded to address…
MGLP awards $190,500 in grants to conserve fish habitat in lakes
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is awarding $190,500 through its Lake Conservation Grant to five projects across the Upper Midwest, benefiting glacial lakes, fish habitats, fish populations, and anglers…
Request for proposals: 2020 Lake Conservation Grant
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is announcing its annual request for fish habitat conservation project proposals. We support conservation projects that work toward meeting the goals and objectives set forth in the MGLP Strategic Plan to benefit glacial lake fish habitats, which include addressing the chemical, physical, and biological components of the habitats that fishes found in glacial lakes use throughout their lives.
Management Spotlight: Scientific advances and adaptation strategies for Wisconsin lakes facing climate change
Climate change is expected to affect fish habitat in our lakes, but on an issue where international agreements are the gold standard, it can seem overwhelming for state-, local-, and lake-based organizations. To address the challenge, stakeholders in Wisconsin recently met to identify scientific advances and adaptation strategies that they could employ on their lakes. The group convened at the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts lake adaptation workshop in 2018, and recently released the results of their work. Their publication will be part of a Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership-organized issue in the journal Lake and Reservoir Management focusing on managing fish habitat and fisheries affected by habitat.
Research Spotlight: Coarse Woody Habitat in Inland Lakes
Anglers know that to catch many fish species, they should target their fishing near coarse woody habitat such as fallen trees. Fish seem to congregate there, so they must be good for fish populations, right? Greg Sass and others reviewed the literature on coarse woody habitat in inland lakes and introduced a novel study that will help to provide new insights. Their publication will be part of a Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership-organized issue in the journal Lake and Reservoir Management focusing on managing fish habitat and fisheries affected by habitat.
Lake Conservation Webinar Series: Michigan Shoreland Stewards Program
In the next Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) Lake Conservation Webinar, learn how Michigan is helping lake front property owners to determine if they are managing their property in a way that is healthy for their lake through the MI Shoreland Stewards Program. Julia Kirkwood with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy will explain what the program is and how the online survey works. Lakefront property owners are provided with a rating of Gold, Silver, Bronze or Starter level along with recommendations for improvement.
Announcement: MGLP Conservation Planner released
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is excited to release its new MGLP Conservation Planner, which provides lake data to inform communication, management, and research to benefit fish habitat and…
Support the National Fish Habitat Conservation Through Partnerships Act
The bipartisan National Fish Habitat Conservation Through Partnerships Act, which would greatly benefit the MGLP, was recently introduced in the House and Senate. The MGLP asks you to consider supporting…
Project spotlight: Mitigating septic discharge with riparian vegetation
Written by Mark S. Kieser The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership awarded the Eagle Lake Paw Paw Association (ELPPA) a grant in 2017 to test whether naturalized shorelines and deep-rooted shoreline…
Lake conservation webinars and reports
We want to share our partners’ efforts to address fish habitat conservation challenges. If you have a webinar, study, or report that you feel should be shared with the partnership,…
$270,000+ in fish habitat conservation grants awarded by the MGLP
Today, the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) announced over $270,000 in grants funding fish habitat science, outreach, and on-the-ground conservation. The MGLP operates an annual grant program through the National…
Partners meet to build and improve MGLP lake assessment web viewer
Way back in 2009, the MGLP identified the need to conduct an assessment of all ~40,000 lakes in its footprint to inform fish habitat conservation. Partners recognized the need to…
Inland lake fish habitat symposium provides management insight
One of the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership’s primary objectives is to share science and management to improve and protect inland lake fish habitat across the region. Too often, boundaries between…
Crane Lake, MN project recognized by the National Fish Habitat Partnership “Waters to Watch” campaign
The National Fish Habitat Partnership has unveiled its annual list of “Waters to Watch”, a collection of rivers, streams, estuaries, lakes and watershed systems that will benefit from strategic conservation efforts…
Clear Lake, IN project receives funding with support from the Partnership
You may have heard that the Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership funds habitat conservation through its grant, but did you know the Partnership catalyzes habitat conservation in other ways? With assistance…
Fish habitat conservation funding announcement
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is happy to announce its request for fish habitat conservation proposals for funding. The MGLP consists of state, tribal, and federal natural resource agencies…